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Tenrec Bibliography
compiled by David G. Kupitz
Last modification: January 15, 2025 (775 publications)
Please send additions or corrections to dk@tenrec.org!
Recent additions and modifications:
PARANY et al. (2025) - added Jan 15, 2025
KOLESNIKOV & OCONNOR (2024) - added Dec 31, 2024
GINGERICH & SMITH (2024) - added Dec 8, 2024
MAIER (1985) - added Dec 8, 2024
BÁLEK (2015) - added Dec 6, 2024
EISENBERG & KLEIMAN (1972) - added Dec 6, 2024
DENYS et al. (2024) - added Aug 22, 2024
CARCAUZON et al. (2024) - added Jun 17, 2024
SMITH et al. (2024) - added May 24, 2024
AVILES & VAN BREUKELEN (2024) - added May 24, 2024
CARLSON et al. (2024) - added May 24, 2024
KNIGHT & VAN BREUKELEN (2024) - added May 18, 2024
STADTMAUER et al. (2024) - added May 16, 2024
SOARIMALALA, RASOLOBERA & GOODMAN (2023) - added May 9, 2024
KHUDYAKOV et al. (2021) - open access added Apr 23, 2024
COZETTE et al. (2022) - added Feb 24, 2024
KUNTNER et al. (2010) - added Feb 9, 2024
BRONNER et al. (2023) - open-access link added Feb 9, 2024
HEIM DE BALSAC (1972) - link added Feb 9, 2024
DUBRULLE et al. (2023) - added Jan 10, 2024
GIERE et al. (2001) - added Nov 19, 2023
KLEIN & UILENBERG (1966) - added Nov 19, 2023
MACPHEE (1987a) - open-access link updated Nov 19, 2023
ILCHENKO & VAKHRUSHEVA (2004) - added Nov 19, 2023
VAKHRUSHEVA & ILCHENKO (2005) - modified Nov 19, 2023
VAKHRUSHEVA et al. (2003) - added Nov 19, 2023
OBERMEIER (2021) - added Nov 19, 2023
ENGLERT et al. (2023) - added Oct 26, 2023
BRONNER et al. (2023) - added Oct 9, 2023
DEVEREAUX et al. (2023) - modified Aug 12, 2023
GOODMAN, SOARIMALALA & OLSON (2018) - added Jul 11, 2023
ENDO et al. (2023) - open access link added Jul 3, 2023
BREIT (2023) - added Jul 2, 2023
MARTINEZ et al. (2021) - added Jul 2, 2023
SULSER & MACPHEE (2023) - added Jun 27, 2023
KNIGHT (2023) - added Apr 5, 2023
ANONYMOUS (2023) - added Apr 5, 2023
DEVEREAUX et al. (2023) - added Mar 11, 2023
BROWDER et al. (2023) - added Feb 14, 2023
RASOLOBERA et al. (2022) - added Nov 6, 2022
EHLERS et al. (2020) - added Aug 7, 2022
MARTIN (2022) - added Aug 7, 2022
COURNARIE et al. (2020) - added Aug 7, 2022
HARIMALALA et al. (2020) - modified Aug 7, 2022
GOODMAN, S. M. (2000) - added Jul 10, 2022
FREEMAN et al. (2022) - added Jun 26, 2022
DOLLFUS & GOLVAN (1963) - open access link added Jun 12, 2022
JENKINS (1992) - open access link added Jun 4, 2022
ARNOLD & RUTSCHMANN (2022) - open access link added Apr 12, 2022
KULZER & KOCH (1976) - open access link added Feb 25, 2022
DAUSMANN et al. (2021) - added Feb 19, 2022
BORGERSON et al. (2018) - modified Feb 13, 2022
BORGERSON (2015) - added Feb 13, 2022
REHKÄMPER (1981) - open access link added Feb 13, 2022
RAZAFIMAHANAKA et al. (2012) - added Feb 13, 2022
RAJAONERA (2010) - added Feb 13, 2022
STEPHENSON, SOARIMALALA et al. (2021) - modified Feb 13, 2022
KAUDERN (1910) - open access link added Jan 15, 2022
RASOLOBERA et al. (2021) - added Jan 15, 2022
BREIT (2021) - added Nov 11, 2021
KHUDYAKOV et al. (2021) - added Nov 11, 2021
ANNAPRAGADA et al. (2021) - added Jul 18, 2021
added/modified previously: HOUCK & HARRISON (2021), HERRERA et al. (2020), MAMBA et al. (2020), APANASKEVICH & GOODMAN (2020), PODUSCHKA (1977), RAHANTAMALALA (2011), LADOUCEUR et al. (2020), DAUSMANN et al. (2020), MILNE-EDWARDS & GRANDIDIER (1882), EVERSON, GOODMAN & OLSON (2020), GOODMAN, JENKINS & PIDGEON (1999), GOODMAN, RAXWORTHY & JENKINS (1996), JENKINS, GOODMAN & RAXWORTHY (1996), EVERSON, K. M., SOARIMALALA, V., GOODMAN, S. M. & OLSON, L. E. (2016), GOODMAN, RAKOTONDRAVONY et al. (2000), PARANY (2017), RANDRENJARISON ANDRINIAINA (2015), RANDRIAMORIA (2016), CIZEK et al. (2020), EVERSON, HILDEBRANDT et al. (2018), STEPHENSON, DECHER & MONADJEM (2018), VOEGELE (2018), SOARIMALALA (2018), OLSON & SOARIMALALA (2018), NICOLL (1985a), JONES et al. (2007), GOODMAN & JENKINS (2000), SEIFFERT (2010), SEIFFERT et al. (2007), AVERIANOV & LOPATIN (2016), ASHER (2010), HARIMALALA et al. (2020), PICKFORD (2019), STEPHENSON (2019), TAYLOR (2019), TREAT et al. (2018), SMITH & VAN BREUKELEN (2019), ASHER (2019), CARTER (2019), STEPHENSON, SOARIMALALA et al. (2019), STANKOWICH & STENSRUD (2019), MACK et al. (2018), CARTER (2019), BORIA et al. (2017), BORGERSON et al. (2018), CORDONIN et al. (2018), EVERSON (2018), EVERSON & OLSON (2018), EVERSON et al. (2018), HARRISON & HARRISON (2017), ICHINO et al. (2018), KAPPELER et al. (2019), KNIGHT (2018), MURPHY et al. (2017), NEFF (2019), PICKFORD (2018), POLYMEROPOULOS et al. (2017), RAKOTOMANGA et al. (2017), RANDRIAMORIA (2017), STEPHENSON (2017a), STEPHENSON (2017b), STEPHENSON, SOARIMALALA et al. (2018), THOMPSON et al. (2017)
Printed matters
- ACHAUER, B. (1988): Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum visuellen Lernvermögen des Kurzkopfgleitflugbeutlers Petaurus breviceps (Marsupialia: Petauridae) und des Wüstenschläfers Eliomys melanurus (Rodentia: Gliridae) und zum Lernvermögen des Großen Tanreks Tenrec ecaudatus (Insectivora: Tenrecidae) [Comparative studies on the visual learning ability of the sugar glider Petaurus breviceps (Marsupialia: Petauridae) and the Asian garden dormouse Eliomys melanurus (Rodentia: Gliridae) and on the learning ability of the tailless tenrec Tenrec ecaudatus (Insectivora: Tenrecidae) -- in German.] Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Naturwissenschaftlich-Mathematischen Gesamtfakultät der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg [Ph.D. thesis, Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Heidelberg, Germany]. 150 pp.
- ADAMS, W. E. (1958): The development of the adrenals and sympathetic paraganglia in certain Madagascar insectivores. Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology 6 (4): 575-588. (Open Access)
- ADE, M. (1996a): Examination of the digestive tract contents of Tenrec ecaudatus Schreber, 1777 (Tenrecidae, Insectivora) from western Madagascar. In: GANZHORN, J. U. & SORG, J.-P. (eds.): Ecology and Economy of a Tropical Dry Forest in Madagascar. Primate Report 46 (1): 233-250. (Open Access)
- ADE, M. (1996b): Morphological observations on a Microgale specimen (Insectivora, Tenrecidae) from western Madagascar. In: GANZHORN, J. U. & SORG, J.-P. (eds.): Ecology and economy of a tropical dry forest in Madagascar. Primate Report 46 (2): 251-255. (Open Access)
- ADELMAN, S., TAYLOR, C. R. & HEGLUND, N. C. (1975): Sweating on paws and palms: what is its function? American Journal of Physiology 229 (5): 1400-1402. (Abstract) (Alternative Abstract)
- ADLOFF, P. (1917): Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems von Centetes ecaudatus nebst Bemerkungen zur Frage der Existenz einer präpermanenten Dentition [On the development of the dental system of Centetes ecaudatus as well as comments on the question of a pre-permanent dentition] [in German]. Anatomischer Anzeiger 49 (23/24): 593-600. (Open Access)
- ALBIGNAC, P. (1970): Mammifères et oiseaux du massif du Tsaratanana (Madagascar Nord) [Mammals and birds of the Tsaratanana massif (Northern Madagascar)] [in French]. Mémoires ORSTOM [Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre-mer] 37: 223-229. (Open Access)
- ALLEN, M. E. (1989): Nutritional aspects of insectivory. Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing. 410 pp.
- ALPÁR, A., KÜNZLE, H., GÄRTNER, U., POPKOVA, Y., BAUER, U., GROSCHE, J., REICHENBACH, A. & HÄRTIG, W. (2010): Slow age-dependent decline of doublecortin expression and BrdU labeling in the forebrain from lesser hedgehog tenrecs. Brain Research 1330: 9-19. (Abstract) (Open Access)
- ALTHAUS, P. (1937): Zur Ontogenie des Centetes-Gebisses [On the development of the dentition in Centetes] [in German]. Inaugural-Dissertation der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bern.
- ANDREONE, F., RANDRIANIRINA, J. E., JENKINS, P. D. & APREA, G. (2000): Species diversity of Amphibia, Reptilia and Lipotyphla (Mammalia) at Ambolokopatrika, a rainforest between the Anjanaharibe-Sud and Marojejy massifs, NE Madagascar. Biodiversity and Conservation 9 (12): 1587-1622. (Abstract) (Open Access)
- ANDREONE, F., JENKINS, P. D., RANDRIANIRINA, J. E. & PINET, B. (2006): Small mammals (Order Afrosoricida, Order Eulipotyphla and Order Rodentia) recently collected in Madagascar, and housed in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino. Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino 23 (2): 363-381. (Open Access)
- ANDRIANARIMISA, A., ANDRIANJAKARIVELO, V., RAKOTOMALALA, Z. & ANJERINIAINA, M. (2009): Vertébrés terrestres des fragments forestiers de la Montagne d'Ambatotsirongorongo, site dans le Système des Aires Protégées de Madagascar de la Région Anosy, Tolagnaro. Malagasy Nature 2: 30-51. (Open Access)
- ANDRIANJAKARIVELO, V., RAZAFIMAHATRATRA, E., RAZAFINDRAKOTO, Y. & GOODMAN, S. M. (2005): The terrestrial small mammals of the Parc National de Masoala, northeastern Madagascar. Acta Theriologica 50 (4): 537 549. (Abstract)
- ANDRIATSARAFARA, F. R. (1981): Quelques observations sur l'ontogénie et le comportement de Tenrec ecaudatus (Schreber 1777) en captivité: comparaisons avec les données connues chez d'autres insectivores [Some observations on development and behaviour of Tenrec ecaudatus (Schreber, 1777) in captivity: comparisons with data known from other insectivores] [in French]. 1ère Partie (Rapport de Stage; 22 pp.) et 2ème Partie (Meacute;moire, 23 pp.). Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies de Sciences Biologiques Appliquées (Option: Ecologie Animale), Etablissement d'Enseignement Supérieur des Sciences Antananarivo, Université de Madagascar, Antananarivo. 45 pp. (Open Access)
- ANNAPRAGADA, A., BROOK, C. E., LUSKIN, M. S., RAHARINIAINA, R. P., HELIN, M., RAZAFINARIVO, O., AMBININTSOA RALAIARISON, R., RANDRIAMADY, H. J., OLSON, L. E., GOODMAN, S. M. & GOLDEN, C. D. (2021): Evaluation of tenrec population viability and potential sustainable management under hunting pressure in northeastern Madagascar. Animal Conservation 24 (6): 1059-1070. (Abstract)
- ANONYMOUS (1961a): Lebendiges Spielzeug [Living toy] [in German]. Das Tier 4 (published January 1st, 1961): 15.
- ANONYMOUS (1961b): Egeltenreks, levende fossielen? [Hedgehog tenrecs, living fossils?] [in Dutch] Artis (Amsterdam) 7: 60-65.
- ANONYMOUS (1961c): "Spielzeug-Igel" ["Toy hedgehogs"] [in German]. Du und das Tier (Mainz) 10 (October 3rd-9th, 1961).
- ANONYMOUS (1965): Jung-Pinguin hat noch kein Frackhemd. Erfolgreiche Nachzucht im Zoo - Igeltanreks lieben Insekten und Milch [Young penguin doesn't have a tail-coat yet. Successful breeding in the zoo - hedgehog tenrecs love insects and milk] [in German]. Saarbrücker Zeitung, October 15th, 1965.
- ANONYMOUS (1967): Tenrec Note...Duluth Zoo, Minn. AAZPA Newsletter Vol. VIII, No. 8, August, 1967: 8.
- ANONYMOUS (2023): ECR Spotlight Claudia Silva Rubio. Journal of Experimental Biology 226 (6): jeb245806. [Interview with co-author of DEVEREAUX et al. (2023) on metabolic research in Tenrec ecaudatus] (Open Access)
- APANASKEVICH, D. A. & GOODMAN, S. M. (2020): Description of three new species of Ixodes Latreille, 1795 (Acari: Ixodidae), parasites of tenrecs (Afrotheria: Tenrecidae) on Madagascar. Systematic Parasitology 2020 Nov 5 (online ahead of print). (Abstract)
- APANASKEVICH, D. A., SOARIMALALA, V. & GOODMAN, S. M. (2013): A new Ixodes species (Acari: Ixodidae), parasite of shrew tenrecs (Afrosoricida: Tenrecidae) in Madagascar. Journal of Parasitology 99 (6): 970-972. (Abstract)
- ARNASON, U. & JANKE, A. (2002): Mitogenomic analyses of eutherian relationships. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 96 (1-4): 20-32. (Abstract) (Open Access)
- ARNOLD, P. & RUTSCHMANN, S. (2022): UCE sequencing-derived mitogenomes reveal the timing of mitochondrial replacement in Malagasy shrew tenrecs (Afrosoricida, Tenrecidae, Microgale). Mammalian Biology: published April 6, 2022. (Open Access)
- ASHER, R. J. (1997): African and Malagasy tenrecs: a biogeographic parallel with lemuriform primates? In: Abstracts of Paper and Poster Presentations, Sixty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, Missouri, April 1-5, 1997. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 104 (Issue Supplement S24): 69-70. (Abstract)
- ASHER, R. J. (1998a): Reanalysis of the African mammal clade: implications for the potential inferiority of morphological data in systematics. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde [now "Mammalian Biology"] 63 (Sonderheft [Special Issue]): 6-7.
- ASHER, R. J. (1999a): A morphological basis for assessing the phylogeny of the "Tenrecoidea" (Mammalia, Lipotyphla). Cladistics 15 (3): 231-252. (Abstract)
- ASHER, R. J. (2000): Phylogenetic history of tenrecs and other insectivoran mammals. Doctoral Dissertation (Physical Anthropology) at the State University of New York at Stony Brook (December, 2000). 234 pp. [other source: 446 pp.]
- ASHER, R. J. (2001): Cranial anatomy in tenrecid insectivorans: character evolution across competing phylogenies. American Museum Novitates 3352: 54 pp. (Open Access)
- ASHER, R. J. (2003): Phylogenetics of the Tenrecidae (Mammalia): a response to Douady et al., 2002. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 26 (2): 328-330. (Abstract) (Open Access)
- ASHER, R. J. (2005): Insectivoran-grade placental mammals: character evolution and fossil history. pp. 50-70 in ROSE, K. D. & ARCHIBALD, J. D. (eds.): "The rise of placental mammals: origin and relationships of the major clades". Johns Hopkins University Press. (Also see the erratum)
- ASHER, R. J. (2010): Tenrecoidea. pp. 99-106 in WERDELIN,L. & SANDERS, W. J. (eds.): Cenozoic mammals of Africa. University of California Press, Berkeley.
- ASHER, R. J. (2019): Recent additions to the fossil record of tenrecs and golden moles. Afrotherian Conservation (Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group) 15: 4-13. (Open Access)
- ASHER, R. J. & HELGEN, K. M. (2010): Nomenclature and placental mammal phylogeny. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 102 [9 pp.]. (Open Access)
- ASHER, R. J. & HOFREITER, M. (2006): Tenrec phylogeny and the noninvasive extraction of nuclear DNA. Systematic Biology 55 (2): 181-194. (Abstract) (Open Access)
- ASHER, R. J. & LEHMANN, T. (2008): Dental eruption in afrotherian mammals. BMC Biology 6: 14 [11 pp.]. (Abstract) (Open Access) (Alternative Open Access)
- ASHER, R. J., NOVACEK, M. J. & GEISLER, J. H. (2003): Relationships of endemic African mammals and their fossil relatives based on morphological and molecular evidence. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 10 (1-2): 131-194. (Abstract)
- ASHER, R. J. & SÁNCHEZ-VILLAGRA, M. R. (2005): Locking yourself out: diversity among dentally zalambdodont therian mammals. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 12 (1/2): 265-282. (Abstract)
- ATTENBOROUGH, D. (1961): Zoo quest to Madagascar. Lutterworth Press, London. 160 pp.
- AVERIANOV, A. O. & LOPATIN, A. V. (2016): Fossils and monophyly of Afrotheria: a review of the current data. Archives of Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University 54: 146-160. (Open Access)
- AVILES, H. & VAN BREUKELEN, F. (2024): Depressing ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in a hibernator whose body temperature is normally variable: the common tenrec. Physiology 39: S1 (abstract presented at the American Physiology Summit 2024 meeting). (Open Access)
- BÁLEK, J. (2015): Oční sekrece u bodlínů: fysiologické, behaviorální a fylogenetické souvislosti (Tenrecinae, Afrosoricida) [Lachrymal secretion in tenrecs: physiological, behavioral and phylogenetic contexts (Tenrecinae, Afrosoricida) - in Czech.] Diploma thesis, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecké fakulta, Katedra zoologie. 59 pp. (Open Access)
- BARDEN, T. L., EVANS, M. I., RAXWORTHY, C. J., RAZAFIMAHAIMODISON, J. C. & WILSON, A. (1991): The mammals of Ambatovaky Special Reserve. In: THOMPSON, P. M. & EVANS, M. I. (eds.): A survey of Ambatovaky Special Reserve, Madagascar. Madagascar Environmental Research Group. Chapter 5: 1-22.
- BÄTHE, R. (2010): Große Tanreks - Haltung, Pflege, Zucht [Tailless tenrecs - husbandry, care, breeding] [in German]. Mitteilungen der Bundesarbeitsgruppe Kleinsäuger 1/2010: 7-9.
- BAUCHOT, R. & DIAGNE, M. (1973): La croissance encéphalique chez Hemicentetes semispinosus (Insectivora, Tenrecidae) [Encephalic growth in Hemicentetes semispinosus (Insectivora, Tenrecidae)] [in French]. Mammalia 37: 468-477. (Abstract)
- BAUCHOT, R. & STEPHAN, H. (1959): Le cerveau de Setifer setosus (Schreber) (Insectivora Tenrecidae) [The brain of Setifer setosus (Schreber) (Insectivora Tenrecidae) - in French.] Mémoires de l'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar (Série A) 13: 139-148. (Open Access)
- BAUCHOT, R. & STEPHAN, H. (1964): Le poids encéphalique chez les insectivores malgaches [Encephalic weight in Malagasy insectivores] [in French]. Acta Zoologica 45 (1-2): 63-75. (Abstract) (Open Access)
- BAUCHOT, R. & STEPHAN, H. (1970): Morphologie comparée de l'encéphale des insectivores Tenrecidae [Comparative morphology of the brain in Tenrecidae insectivores] [in French]. Mammalia 34 (3): 514-541. (Abstract)
- BEDDARD, F. E. (1901): Some notes upon the brain and other structures of Centetes. Novitates Zoologicae 8 (2): 89-92 + plate VIII and explanation of plate VIII. (Open Access)
- BEDFORD, J. M., MOCK, O. B. & GOODMAN, S. M. (2004): Novelties of conception in insectivorous mammals (Lipotyphla), particularly shrews. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 79: 891-909. (Abstract)
- BENSTEAD, J. P., BARNES, K. H. & PRINGLE, C. M. (2001): Diet, activity patterns, foraging movement and responses to deforestation of the aquatic tenrec Limnogale mergulus (Lipotyphla: Tenrecidae) in eastern Madagascar. Journal of Zoology (London) 254: 119-129. (Abstract) (Open Access)
- BENSTEAD, J. P. & OLSON, L. E. (2003): Limnogale mergulus, web-footed tenrec or aquatic tenrec. In: GOODMAN, S. M. & BENSTEAD, J. P. (eds): The Natural History of Madagascar. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. Pp. 1267-1273. (Open Access)
- BENSTEAD, J. P. & PRINGLE, C. M. (2000): Responses of stream food webs to deforestation in southeastern Madagascar. Communication at the Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Keystone, Colorado, 2000. (Abstract)
- BERKEN, P. A. (2006): Sonografische Topografie der großen abdominalen Organe und echografische Graviditätsdiagnostik beim
Kleinen Igeltenrek - Echinops telfairi [Sonographic topography of the large abdominal organs and echographic gravidity diagnostics in the lesser hedgehog tenrec - Echinops telfairi] [in German]. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der tiermedizinischen Doktorwürde der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (doctoral thesis in veterinary medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich). 121 pp. (Open Access)
- BLASZKIEWITZ, B. (1987): Einiges über Insektenfresser (Insectivora) in Zoologischen Gärten [Some remarks on insectivores (Insectivora) in zoological gardens] [in German]. Tiergarten Aktuell (Tiergarten Nürnberg) 3 (2): 6-11.
- BLASZKIEWITZ, B (1999): Schneeleopard und Schabrackenhyäne. Anmerkungen zum Tierbestand 1998. Säugetiere [Snow leopard and brown hyena. Remarks on the animal stock in 1998. Mammals] [in German]. In: Jahresbericht [Annual report] 1998, Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde, Berlin: 3-24.
- BLUNTSCHLI, H. (1932): In den Urwäldern auf Madagaskar. III. Im Küstenwald des mittleren Ostens. Reise in das Bergwaldgebiet [In the jungles of Madagascar. III. In the coastal forest of the central eastern areas. Journey to the mountain forest areas] [in German]. Die Umschau 36: 891.
- BLUNTSCHLI, H. (1937a): Die Frühentwicklung eines Centetinen (Hemicentetes semispinosus Cuv.) [The early development of a centetine (Hemicentetes semispinosus Cuv.)] [in German]. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 44: 271-282. (Open Access)
- BLUNTSCHLI, H. (1937b): Le développement primaire et la formation d'un placenta perforé très compliqué et du type labyrinthe chez Hemicentetes [The primary development and the formation of a very complicated perforated placenta of the labyrinth type in Hemicentetes] [in French]. Bulletin de l'Académie Malgache 20: 73-75.
- BLUNTSCHLI, H. (1938a): Le développement primaire et l'implantation chez un centetiné (Hemicentetes) [The primary development and implantation in a centetine (Hemicentetes)] [in French]. Comptes Rendus de l'Association des Anatomistes (Bâle) 33: 39-46.
- BLUNTSCHLI, H. (1938b): Die Einbettung des Eies bei Hemicentetes [The nidation of the egg in Hemicentetes] [in German]. Bio-Morphosis (Leipzig) 1 (3-4): 332-333.
- BMELF (1996): Tanreks. In: Gutachten über Mindestanforderungen an die Haltung von Säugetieren vom 10. Juni 1996 [Tenrecs. In: Expertise on the minimum requirements for the keeping of mammals, dated June 10, 1996] [in German]. Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (BMELF): 14. (Open Access) (Excerpt of the page on tenrecs)
- BOLLEN, P. (1994): Tenrecs as laboratory animals. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 21 (1): 13-16.
- BORGAONKAR, D. S. (1966): Addendum - chromosome numbers in the order Insectivora. Journal of Heredity 57 (1): 28. (Abstract)
- BORGAONKAR, D. S. (1967a): Additions to the lists of chromosome numbers in the insectivores and primates. Journal of Heredity 58 (5): 211-213. (Full Text for Sale)
- BORGAONKAR, D. S. (1967b): Cytotaxonomic studies on the Tenrecoidea Simpson. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 8 (1): 27-28.
- BORGAONKAR, D. S. & GOULD, E. (1965): Chromosome complement of tenrecs, Centetes ecaudatus (order Insectivora, class Mammalia). Experientia 21 (11): 631-632. (Abstract)
- BORGAONKAR, D. S. & GOULD, E. (1968): Homozygous reciprocal translocation as a mode of speciation in Microgale Thomas 1883 (Tenrecidae-Insectivora). Experientia 24 (5): 506-509. (Abstract)
- BORGERSON, C. (2015): Optimizing conservation policy: the importance of seasonal variation in hunting and meat consumption on the Masoala Peninsula of Madagascar. Oryx 50 (3): 405-418. (Open Access)
- BORGERSON, C., VONONA, M. A, VONONA, T., ANJARANIRINA, E. J. G., LEWIS, R., RALAINASOLO, F. & GOLDEN, C. D. (2018): An evaluation of the interactions among household economies, human health, and wildlife hunting in the Lac Alaotra wetland complex of Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 13 (1): 25-33. (Open Access)
- BORIA, R. A., OLSON, L. E., GOODMAN, S. M. & ANDERSON, R. P. (2014): Spatial filtering to reduce sampling bias can improve the performance of ecological niche models. Ecological Modelling 275: 73 77. (Open Access)
- BORIA, R. A., OLSON, L. E., GOODMAN, S. M. & ANDERSON, R. P. (2017): A single-algorithm ensemble approach to estimating suitability and uncertainty: cross-time projections for four Malagasy tenrecs. Diversity and Distributions 23: 196 208. (Open Access)
- BRADY, S., HARRISON, T., RODRIGUEZ JR, C. O., JOHNSON, A. & WACK, R. F. (2016): Oral squamous cell carcinoma in a greater hedgehog tenrec (Setifer setosus). Veterinary Record Case Reports 4 (1): e000314. (Abstract)
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